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quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2012

Navadvipa, West Bengal Festival

All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga

You are cordially invited to attend

Sri Navadvipa-mandala Parikrama 2012

Conducted under the guidance of

Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja

Sri Kesavaji Gaudiya Matha

M. Kolerdanga Road (near the Ganga Bridge)

Navadvipa, West Bengal

This year, the festival will be inaugurated on March 2nd with the devotees observing sankalpa, or a vow to ensure the success of their parikrama. The last day of the festival will be March 9th.On March 3nd, we will begin our five-day Sri Navadvipa-mandala Parikrama, a pilgrimage to each of Navadvipa's nine incomparably beautiful islands. As we wind our way through these islands, we will chant compelling and surcharged kirtanas that we will cherish forever, reverentially touch our head to the dust of the numerous holy places related to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's pastimes, and hear nectarean harikatha that will change our lives and strengthen our commitment to the path of Gaudiya Vaisnavism. Our pilgrimage will be completed on March 7th.

Sri Gaura-dhama Parikrama and Janmotsava 2012

Sri Gaura-dhama Parikrama and Janmotsava 2012


Friday, 2 March 2012

Arrival in Navadvipa-dhama and Adhivasa Festival of Sri Navadvipa-dhama Parikrama (Festival that marks the beginning of the annual seven-day parikrama). Sankalpa (taking of vows) at the Ganga.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

(1) Sri Antardvipa ("atmanivedanakhya") – Sri Gaura Janmabhita in Sridhama Mayapura, Srivasa Angan, Sri Advaita Bhavan, Sri Caitanya Gaudiya Matha (Sri Candrasekhar Bhavan), Samadhi Mardha of Jagad-guru Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada, Sridhara Angan, Sri Murari Gupta pata, and Chand Kazi's Samadhi. Lunch prasadam Sri Candrasekhar Bhavan.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Fasting for Sri Ekadasi

(2) Sri Rudradvipa ("sakhyakhya") – Rudrapada, Sankapura, Idrakapura and Gangeradariga.

(3) Sri Simantadvipa ("sravanakhya") – Simuliya, Saradanga, Meghara Cada, Belapukura, Samadhi darsana of Srila Jagannatha dasa Babaji Maharaja in the town of Navadvipa, Paudamatala (Praudha-maya-sthana). Ekadasi lunch prasadam at Sri Kesavji Gaudiya Matha, Navadvipa.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Break fast for Ekadasi from 5:55 am till 9:51 am.

(4) Sri Godrumadvipa ("kirtanakhya") – After touching the Ganga and offering obeisances to Sri Gaura-Yogapitha in Sridhama Mayapura, there will be a procession to Swarupaganja, Gadigacha, Surabhi-kunja, Svananda-sukhada-kunja, Suvarna-vihara, Harihara-ksetra and Narasimha Palli. Prasadam and rest.

(5) On the way back: Sri Madhyadvipa ("smaranakhya"), Majida, Hatdanga, Anandavasa, Vamanapura and Hansvahana.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

(6) Sri Koladvipa ("padasevanakhya") – Gadakhalir Kola, Tegharira Kola, Koleramada, Kolera Ganga, Kolera Daha, Samudra Gadha and Campahati.

(7) Sri Ritudvipa ("arcanakhya") – Ratupura.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

(8) Sri Jahnudvipa ("vandanakhya") – Jannagara (Jahnumimisthan) and Vidyanagara (Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya pata).

(9) Sri Modrumadvipa ("dasyakhya") – Mamagachi (Sri Vrindavana dasa Thakura pata). Noon prasadam and rest. On the way back – Arkatila and Ekadala and Matapura (Panca-pandavera-ajnatvasa).

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Fasting for SRI GAURA-PURNIMA. Sri Gaura-jayanti and sankirtana festival. Fasting till moonrise, then Ekadasi preparations only. Holi.

Friday 9 March 2012

Break fast for Sri Sri Gaura-jayanti from 5:25am-09:22am. Festival of Sri Jagannatha Misra. Prasadam distribution and Vaisnava-homa yajna (Fire sacrifice and honoring the Vaisnavas). Departure

  Jaya Srila Gurudeva !

quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2012

A New Temple in Navadvipa

by Tridandisvami Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja

20040623.jpg - 12428 Bytes [The largest of Srila Narayana Maharaja's European hari-katha festivals was held in Italy last week, with over 700 devotees and guests in attendance. The main theme of his lectures was the glory of mahat-sanga, or sadhu-sanga (association with self-realized souls), in continuation of the series of classes he gave on the same subject in Badger three weeks earlier. Because this was also the week of the Ratha-yatra festival in India, he also spoke on that topic for two days. At the beginning of his June 23 class, he made the following announcement to the assembled devotees:]

Italy - June 23, 2004
Very soon, before Navadvipa parikrama takes place, we are going to establish a preaching center there in Sri Navadvipa-dhama. We will perform Navadvipa-dhama parikrama from there. We will try get at least ten acres of land, where we will build a temple with a goshala, kirtana hall, printing house, publishing department, guesthouse and brahmacari ashram. These will gradually be developed, just as in our Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti Devananda Gaudiya Matha.

I will soon be 85 years old. I have managed the Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti for about 50 or 60 years. Now, in my advanced age, I can no longer carry that burden. There is not so much time. I want to write and publish many books, as did Srila Bhaktivedanta Svami Maharaja, because my Gurudeva ordered me to do this. I also want to travel throughout the world, to support and nourish devotees everywhere.

And, I have decided to make this temple, especially for the international assembly of devotees.
But that new temple wants so much money. All of you can personally give at least a small donation. We are here in Italy for 7 days. If 500 persons donate something, we can purchase that land. We can very quickly build a fence, and then the buildings and so on. All will be done by the time of parikrama. Somehow I have promised – I have taken a vow – that we must do parikrama from that place this coming year. I request you all to help. Sannyasis should inspire others to join in this big service of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Nityananda prabhu. I think you are happy to hear this, so try to help me in this service.

Editorial advisors: Sripad Madhava Maharaja and Sripad Brajanatha dasa

Transcribers: Vasanti dasi
Typist: Anita dasi
Editor: Syamarani dasi
HTML: Bhutabhavana dasa

Sri Navadvip Sataka

Sri Navadvip Sataka

por Srila Prabhodananda Sarasvati Thakura

texto 60

Vagar por Navadvipa é a melhor dentre todas as opulências, o melhor dentre todos os princípios religiosos, a melhor dentre todas as perfeições, a melhor dentre todas as glórias, e o melhor dentre todos os oceanos de doçura.

texto 61

Quando, enquanto estiver cantando, dançando, rindo, rolando no chão, correndo, chorando, caindo inconsciente, cego e intoxicado por ter bebido o néctar do grande amor espiritual, e alheio ao resto do mundo, eu irei vagar por Navadvip?

texto 62

Quando, alheio ao mundo, aos deveres religioso, casa, corpo, insultos, glorificações, dor, e intoxicado pelo néctar do amor espiritual puro, eu irei me tornar uma pessoa enlouquecida na morada sagrada do Senhor Gaura?

texto 64

Eu medito na maravilhosa Gaura-sthala esplêndida com ouro, cristais e rubis, com grandes árvores de safira, com pastos feitos de todos os tipos de jóias, com abelhas zumbindo, com trepadeiras desabrochantes, com maravilhosos papagaios, pavões, pássaros cucos, e outros tipos de pássaros, e com lagos preenchidos de lótus e outras flores.

texto 71
Eu não falarei sobre nada mais. Eu não ouvirei sobre nada mais. Eu não meditarei em nada mais. Eu não irei a nenhum outro lugar. Eu não farei adorações a ninguém mais. Eu não me abrigarei em nada mais. Sonhando ou acordado, eu não verei nada além da floresta onde Aquele que aceitou o esplendor de Sri Radhika desfrutou de passatempos.
texto 72
Meu coração não deseja se tornar um Senhor Brahma em Satyaloka, nem anseia por ter o corpo de um dos associados do Senhor Visnu em Vaikuntha, mas considera como muito elevado qualquer nascimento, mesmo que como um mísero inseto, na casa das almas afortunadas que desfrutam dos festivais de doçura nectária que ocorrem na morada pura de Navadvip.
texto 73
Eu considero como muito afortunado qualquer nascimento onde, mesmo que a distancia, eu possa avistar Navadvipa, tocá-la e me jogar no chão para prestar meus respeitos à ela. Será que esse dia afortunado, no qual nascerei de tal forma, chegará para mim?
texto 74
Mesmo que eu não tenha nem mesmo um pouco de fé nas glórias exaltadas de Sri Navadvip-dhama, e mesmo que eu não deseje sinceramente residir lá, mesmo assim palavras como essas fluem de mim.
texto 75
Este mundo se encontra completamente inconsciente, e mesmo aqueles que pensam saber tudo, não são capazes de saber a verdade sobre Navadvipa. Quando o Senhor Hari, que se mantém cuidadosamente escondido aparece, Sua morada que também se mantém escondida aparece da mesma ferma. Apenas um devoto sincero, que possua a misericórdia de seu Guru, é capaz de saber a verdade sobre Navadvipa.
texto 96

Eu estou acorrentado por desejos pecaminosos. Eu cai no oceano doloroso de repetidos nascimentos e mortes. Os tubarões e crocodilos da luxúria e ira estão me devorando vivo. Eu não tenho abrigo. Ó morada sagrada do Senhor Gauranga, por favor, seja misericordiosa comigo!

texto 97

A tez corpórea dEle é clara como o ouro derretido, e Sua forma é tomada pelo esplendor e néctar da bem-aventurança do amor transcendental puro, a Suprema Personalidade de Deus apareceu misericordiosamente na cidade de Navadvipa. Em Navadvipa todos os lares celebram maravilhosos festivais em honra de Bhakti-devi, a deusa da devoção. Navadvipa é mais doce que Vaikuntha. Meu coração encontra sua felicidade na morada transcendental de Navadvipa.

sábado, 18 de fevereiro de 2012

Sri Navadvipa mp3

 Srila BV Narayan Maharaja

23 February 2010. This is first part of the parikrama coverage in the island Antardvip-Mayapur. In this webisode we crossed the Ganga from Koladvip to Antardvip or Mayapur.
23 Feb. 2010 This is the second part of the parikrama coverage in Antardvip. After crossing the Ganga, the devotees assembled in Isodyan where Sri Chaitanya Gaudiya Math is presently situated. Isodayan was the place where our Lords Nimai and Nitai met for the very first time. When Nitai first arrived in Navadvip, he hid in Nandanacharya Bhavan nearby this place which is now the site of Sri Gaur Nityananda Mandir (the next Gaudiya Math temple from here towards Yogapith) then Nimai met Him here in Isodyan. From Isodyan, we proceeded to Mayapur Yogapitha, the birthplace of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Next webisode: Arrival at Mayapur Yogapitha
23 Feb. 2010. This is third webisode of our parikrama coverage in Antardvip. Welcome to Mayapur Yogapitha and have darshan of the birthplace of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
23 Feb. 2010. Srila Gurudev Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayan Goswami Maharaj arrived in Mayapur Yogapitha while the devotees were singing the bhajan "Sakhe Kalaya Gauram Udaram" led by Krishna Das Prabhu. The recording of the class is on a separate video you can check from Next webisode: Antardvip Darshan: From Srivas Angan to Sri Chaitanya Math
23 Feb.2010. After doing parikrama of Mayapur Yogapitha, (previous webisodes), you can join our sankirtan party proceed to the courtyard of Srivas Thakur (Srivas Angan), then to the house of Advaita Acharya (Advaita Bhavan), then to Gadadhar Angan. Next webisode: Sri Chaitanya Math and the Samadhi of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad
23 Feb. 2010. This is the sixth webisode of our parikrama coverage in Antardvip Mayapur which brings us to Sri Chaitanya Math, the mother math of all Gaudiya Maths established by Srila Prabhupad Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur. Here one can get darshan of Prabhupad Saraswati Thakur's samadhi, the samadhi mandir of Srila Gaurkishor das Babaji Maharaj, the Deities established by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Prabhupad, Sri Radha Kund, Syama Kund and Giriraj Govardhan, and more.

Pray Srila Gurudeva's Hari Katha Enters Our Hearts

Sri Navadvipa Dhama Book

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Antardvipa Mayapura

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Antardvipa Mayapura

May 15, 2008 Bhaktivinoda ThakurSri Saccidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s eternal intimate associate, is revered as the Seventh Gosvami who again inaugurated the flow of the Bhagirathi bhakti. He appeared in this world to manifest Mahaprabhu’s holy name (gaura-nama), His innermost desire (gaura-kama) and His holy abode (gaura-dhama). Like Sri Rüpa and Sri Sanatana, he wanted to reside in Vraja and perform bhajana there.
On his way to Vraja-mandala he came to a deity of Lord Siva, Mahadeva Sri Tadakesvara, a short distance from Kolkata. That night Sri Mahadeva appeared to him in a dream and requested him to reveal Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu’s appearance-place. He also told him to remain in Gauda-mandala and perform bhajana. Sri Bhaktivinoda Thakura placed Sri Tadakesvara’s instruction upon his head and returned to Sridhama Navadvipa. There, in Godrumadvipa, he constructed a small hut and began performing bhajana, eager to find Sriman Mahaprabhu’s appearance-place. He wrote in his autobiography:
“I was very anxious to find Sriman Mahaprabhu’s appearance place. I went to Navadvipa (the present Navadvipa Town) and with much endeavour made some investigation, but was unable to find any trace of it. Thus I became very unhappy. Nowadays the people of Navadvipa are only busy filling their bellies. They know nothing about Sriman Mahaprabhu’s pastime-places, nor do they endeavour to learn about them. One day after twilight, at ten o’clock, Kamala and I, together with one clerk, were standing on the roof of the Rani Dharmasala looking about. It was very dark and the sky was filled with clouds. Then, across the Ganga towards the north I saw an effulgent mansion. I asked Kamala, ‘Did you see something?’ He answered, ‘I became awestruck to see an effulgent mansion on the other side of the Ganga towards the north.’ In the morning I again went to the roof of the Rani Dharmasala and attentively looked towards that place. I was unable to see the effulgent mansion, but I could see a palm tree there. When I inquired from others about that place, they said it was called Ballala-dighi and that one can still see many traces of King Laksmana Sena’s old fort there. The coming Monday I went to Krsna-nagara and the following Saturday I went straight from there to Ballala-dighi. That night I beheld a wondrous sight. Sriman Mahaprabhu, Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Sri Advaita Äcarya, Sri Gadadhara and the other devotees were completely absorbed in chanting and dancing ecstatically. Everyone’s eyes were filled with tears. The mrdangas tumultuous sound of “Hari Bol!” and the sound of and kartalas maddened the devotees. After sometime that sight disappeared from my eyes.
“The next day I walked to those places to take darsana of them and asked the elderly locals about them. They told me that this was Sriman Mahaprabhu’s birthplace. I visited all the small villages mentioned in Bhakti-ratnakara as well as those mentioned in Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura’s Sri Caitanya-bhagavata. Thereafter I sat in Krsna-nagara and compiled the book “Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya” and sent it to be printed in Kolkata. I told Sri Dvarika Babu, an engineer from Krsna-nagara, about my findings. He could understand everything I said and on the strength of his intelligence he produced a map of Sri Navadvipa-mandala. I wandered throughout Navadvipa-dhama and wrote the Dhama-mahatmya, because at that time I could do nothing else.”

In Godruma, 1893, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura performed a great harinama-sankirtana festival under the auspices of Srila Jagannatha dasa Babaji Maharaja. At that time Sri Jagannatha dasa Babaji Maharaja went with many Vaisnavas to take darsana of Sri Mayapura. Overwhelmed by ecstatic sentiments, he himself pointed out Mahaprabhu’s birthplace, the lost Yogapitha-Mayapura. The 144-year-old Babaji Maharaja became overwhelmed with ecstasy and jumped into the air, crying out, “This is the birthplace of Gauracandra, our very life and soul!” Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, many famous writers of Bengal, many high-posted government officers, editors of famous magazines and others witnessed the event. Amongst them was Sri Syamalala Gosvami, the great and erudite Vaisnava. Also present were Sri Sasibhüsana Gosvami, Sri Radhikanatha Gosvami, Sri Vipina Bihari Gosvami, Sri Raya Vanamali, Sri Raya Bahadura, Sri Sisira Kumara Ghosa, Sri Dvarikanatha Sarakara and Sri Naphara Kumara. Some huts were eventually made here and the temple construction began. Gradually, faithful devotees from the various states of India came here to take darsana and now, crowds of people come from all over the world to this holy place.

Tadakesvara Mahadeva

In picture:Tadakesvara Mahadeva

You are cordially invited to attend Sri Navadvipa-mandala Parikrama 2012

Sri Navadvipa-mandala Parikrama 2012 Invitation

All Glories To Sri Sri Guru And Gauranga


You are cordially invited to attend
Sri Navadvipa-mandala Parikrama 2012

Conducted under the guidance of

Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja

Sri Kesavaji Gaudiya Matha

M. Kolerdanga Road (near the Ganga Bridge)

Navadvipa, West Bengal

Phone: +91-9153125442 / 9734825362 (Madhusudan das)


In Govardhana, just before the end of Sri Vraja-mandala Parikrama 2010, our beloved Gurudeva, Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja personally invited all of us to attend Sri Navadvipa-mandala Parikrama in the holy land of Sri Navadvipa-dhama. This parikrama will be very special, for it will only be the second one without the physical presence of our most beloved Srila Gurudeva. We will share many remembrances of his glories and the Harikatha that forever emanates from his lotus mouth. Please do not miss this opportunity and try to be with us.

This year, the festival will be inaugurated on March 2nd with the devotees observing sankalpa, or a vow to ensure the success of their parikrama. The last day of the festival will be March 9th.

full details, schedules and travelling tips.

Navadwipa, let me touch your sacred soil, the same soil that is walked upon by Mahaprabhu's pink-tinged feet Let me take shelter of the saints that reside in Godrum, and bathe in mercy-river where Jalangi and Ganga meet The limbs of Gauranga resemble early sun above banana trees, Let me ring the dew-chilled temple bells again, please. Nitai like the glowing moon, dances through the night. Nadia, cradle of kirtan, be present in my sight.

Installation of a Divine Murti

by Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja

[The installation of the murti (live statue, or worshipful transcendental form or deity) of Parama-pujyapada Srila Bhaktivedanta Vamana Maharaja]

Navadvipa, India: March 14, 2006 am On the morning of March 14, 2006, Srila Narayana Maharaja went to Sri Devananda Gaudiya Matha to install the deity of Srila Bhaktivedanta Vamana Maharaja. Srila Vamana Maharaja is the previous acarya of Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti. He departed from this world, and entered the eternal lila of the Lord, during the month of Kartik last year.
Over 15,000 devotees were there for the auspicious occasion of the installation. There was much pomp and circumstance when Srila Narayana Maharaja arrived - devotees sounded bugles, threw flower petals and sang loud kirtana.

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Upon arrival, Srila Narayana Maharaja offered obeisances to his Gurudeva, Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja. Simultaneously, all the assembled devotees offered obeisances to Srila Narayana Maharaja.

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Srila Paryataka Maharaja, present acarya of Sri Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti, offered arati to Srila Narayana Maharaja while Krsna dasa brahmacari sang Sri Guru Carana Padma

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Offering of garlands
[After offering his obeisances to his Gurudeva, Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja, and his God-brother Srila Bhaktivedanta Vamana Maharaja, Srila Narayana Maharaja began his discourse:]
Today is an auspicious day. We have come here to Sri Devananda Gaudiya Matha for the installation of Srila Bhaktivedanta Vamana Maharaja's deity. He left this world during Vraja Mandala Parikrama last year, and today is Sri Gaura Purnima. We are greatly fortunate that we are installing his murti here.
Srila Vamana Maharaja was a topmost devotee. He had so many wonderful qualities. He was extremely humble and had so much guru-nistha (strong faith in the lotus feet of Sri Guru). He was a powerful, exalted Vaisnava. He is my siksa-guru, as is Srila Bhaktivedanta Trivikrama Maharaja.* [See endnote 1] They are both my worshipful siksa-gurus. Both of them would always tell practically everyone who came to them about anything, "Please go to Narayana Maharaja."
Srila Vamana Maharaja never had any sense of pride. After having given any lecture, he never thought, "Did they like it?"
In the meantime, something happened so that we , became separate. This is the desire of Kala, the Time factor, and there is something auspicious in this. Now you see that there are so many people, both in your Matha (temple) and in our Matha [about 15,000 people in each]. It is not easy to control so many people. Thus, what has happened has been desired by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
This mood must be in your heart. You have called me, and I have come here today. This invitation should not simply be an outer show. You should have that will internally. We want to be together. We do not wish to create any separation. If you ever need help, please call me and I will come to help you. I am still the Vice-President of the Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti, and a life member of the Samiti as well. My name cannot be cut from the records.
Together we have tried to preach Sriman Mahaprabhu's mission and the rupunuga-line – the teachings coming from Srila Rupa Gosvami. This is the mission of Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, our Gurudeva Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja, and also Srila Bhaktivedanta Vamana Maharaja.
I request, Paryataka Maharaja, that you will also be like this. You will not quarrel. You will stay with your god-brothers, just as our Srila Vamana Maharaja has done. You should try to make your character like them. You must be in friendship – in a very brotherly way with all your god-brothers. I pray that you will all act and be like this, and that we will all preach according to our rupanuga line.
I have good wishes for everyone.

[Endnote 1: Srila Narayana Maharaja, Srila Trivikrama Maharaja and Srila Vamana Maharaja all took sannyasa initiation together. They are the first three sannyasi disciples of their spiritual master, Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja.]

[After his lecture, Srila Narayana Maharaja performed arati to his Gurudeva, to Srila Vamana Maharaja, and then he performed the installation ceremony.]


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Srila Narayana Maharaja offering arati to Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Maharaja

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Offering arati to Srila Bhaktivedanta Vamana Maharaja

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Murti of Srila Bhaktivedanta Vamana Maharaja

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Offering obeisances to the Deities

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Sri Sri Radha-vinoda-bihariji and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

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Escorted to his car

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Leaving for his own temple, Sri Kesavaji Gaudiya Matha, located about five minutes´ drive from Sri Devananda Gaudiya Matha

Editorial Advisors: Sripad Madhava Maharaja and Sripad Brajanatha dasa
Transcriber: Vasanti dasi
Translator: Uma dasi
Editor: Syamarani dasi
Proofreader: Krsna-kamini dasi
HTML: Bhutabhavana das

Srila Gurudeva Gurukulas in Navadvipa

Students at the Golden Avatar School in Navadvipa, India introduce themselves and express their gratitude for your support.

If you are interested in the "Support-a-Child" program, please visit:


   Shashwat Puri


  Vasanti Dasi
Navadvipa 2011 N°1

March 12-19, 2011

Our most worshipful Srila Gurudeva, nitya-lila pravista om visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja, spent the last fifteen years traveling the world and inspiring devotees in their bhakti – and everywhere he went, he invited his audiences to come for the Kartika parikrama in Vrndavana and the Gaura-mandala parikrama in Navadvipa. For example, in the Philippines, in 2009, he said, “Navadvipa-dhama parikrama is coming very soon – after one month. I am inviting you all. If you have no money problem and you can come, and I will be very happy.” On the last day of this past Kartika, 2010,  inviting all the devotees to Navadvipa, he announced, “I will be there.”
And, he was. Everyone in attendence could feel his divine presence guiding and leading the parikrama, just as he had done for years and years. The annual Navadvipa-dhama parikrama was thus sucessfully held at Sri Kesavaji Gaudiya Matha on the island of Koladvipa, from March 12-19.

 Srila Gurudeva’s Samadhi Mandira


At the head of the entire parikrama party was the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, carried on a beautifully decorated palanquin by His servitors.
Just as Srila Gurudeva had inspired his sannyasis to lead the parikrama in past years, by his inspiration Sripad Bhaktivedanta Tirtha Maharaja and Sripad Bhaktivedanta Madhava Maharaja and other sannyasis daily led the 15,000 pilgrims to the holy pastime places and discussed the significance and pastimes of those places. 

 On the first day of parikrama the party went to Sri Devananda Gaudiya Matha, where they had darsana of the samadhi mandira of Srila Paramgurudeva Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja, as well as that of Srila Bhaktivedanta Vamana Gosvami. Sripad Madhava Maharaja spoke about Srila Gurudeva there – how Srila Gurudeva was transcendentally born and raised by his Guru Maharaja in this temple, and how Srila Gurudeva had personally been the main spiritual nourisher of all the leaders who presently preside there.

      From Devananda Gaudiya Matha, the parikrama went to take their parikrama vows (sankalpa) at the Ganga.

There they chanted the glories of Ganga-devi, vowed to complete the rules and regulations in their daily parikrama, and prayed for the attainment of the spiritual goals aspired by them as a result of giving their heart to the parikrama.

                                            Nrsmahapalli on the island of Godrumadvipa 
                                                              Pilgrims at Nirdaya-ghata 
The devotees spent at least an hour at each pastime place, where they sang heartfelt kirtanas and bhajanas, and where the sannyasis and other senior devotees spoke in English, Hindi, and Bengali to accomadate the devotees various languages. In addition to the English-speaking devotees hearing on their transistor headsets the translations of the Bengali and Hindi speakers, the devotees from other countries, such as China, Russia, and Brazil, heard on their headsets translations into their own languages as the English speaking translator narrated.

All the speakers based their speeches on Srila Gurudeva’s Navadvipa-dhama Parikrama book as well as his translation of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s Navadvipa-dhama Mahatmya. To save time, therefore, so that you can get this report sooner than later, instead of transcribing the speeches we are quoting an excerpt about Nirdaya-ghata directly from the Navadvipa-dhama Parikrama book:

“On a wintry night Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu jumped into the turbulent waters of the Ganga at this ghata, crossed the river and went to Kantaka-nagari (Katwa), where He accepted the renounced order from Sri Kesava Bharati. Then, via Santipura, He went to Sri Jagannatha Puri. Being very cruel-hearted (nirdaya) He left His widowed mother and His wife, and crossed the Ganga at this ghata. From that time on this ghata became known as Nirdaya-ghata.” 
                                                                    Sri Syama-kunda
Regarding the devotees visiting the Sri Caitanya Matha and the Samadhi Mandira of Srila Prabhupada’s Samadhi Mandira, from Sri Navadvipa-dhama Parikrama: “Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura manifested Sri Radha-kunda and Sri Syamakunda next to Candrasekhara-bhavana on the banks of the ancient Sri Prthu-kunda, or Ballala-dighi. There, in a mood of deep separation, he used to perform bhajana of Sri Radha-Krsna and Sri Gaurasundara. The mere sight of these two ponds causes memories of Radha-kunda and Syama-kunda in Vraja to arise in the heart.”

Devotees at Mamagacchi, the island of Modadrumadvipa
Sripad Sridhara Maharaja led a beautiful kirtana which made all the devotees dance in joy, after which the various speakers relayed the hari-katha about Lord Rama that was so dear to Srila Gurudeva. The pastime is written in Sri Navadvipa-dhama Parikrama as follows:
“Çréla Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura relates the following pastime in his Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya: Once, as Lord Ramacandra was observing the extraordinary beauty of this forest, He began to smile. Sita asked Him why He was smiling, and Sri Rama replied, ‘In this forthcoming Kali-yuga, I will take birth from the womb of Mother Saci in Sri Jagannatha Misra’s house in this same Navadvipa-dhama. People will know Me as Gauranga, and I will charm everyone by performing a variety of enchanting pastimes. I will manifest the glory of the holy name and thus madden the common people with the chanting of these names. I will change the hearts of even the sinners and give them love of God, which even the demigods rarely attain. In My youth I will accept sannyasa, after which I will reside in Sri Jagannatha Puri. At that time My mother Saci-devi, who is none other than Kausalya, will weep, holding her daughter-in-law Visnupriya in her arms. You will be that Visnupriya. I will thereafter remain in Puri, and will also weep for you day and night.’

“Séitaji inquired, ‘Why will You perform such pastimes?’

“Sri Rama answered, ‘I will appear in this world as Gauranga, just to teach the living entities prema-bhakti. Prema-bhakti is tasted in two ways: meeting (sambhoga) and separation (vipralambha). In sambhoga-rasa the pleasure one receives in meeting is prominent. In vipralambha-rasa, in the distress of separation, one attains the happiness of constant internal meeting in which everything external is forgotten. Only in separation do one-pointed rasika devotees attain the unlimited bliss of service. Without vipralambha, sambhoga-rasa is not nourished and instead tastes like vipralambha. Therefore in vipralambha, rasa is a million times more relishable than in sambhoga.

“‘When I appear as Gauranga, Mother Kausalya, together with Aditi-devi, will appear as Saci-devé, and you will be My wife, Visnupriya. Later, in this incarnation as Rama, I will find an excuse to abandon you, and send you to the hermitage of Valmiki. Then, in separation from you, I will make a golden Sita and worship you. In the same way, in My incarnation as Gaura, you will manifest a Deity of Me as Gauranga after I renounce My home, and you will worship Me in Navadvipa. Through the pastimes of Gauranga, I will teach the world the excellence of vipralambha-rasa.

“‘Çré Navadvipa-dhama is dear to Me, even more so than Ayodhya. This banyan tree will become famous as Rama-vaöa, but it will disappear at the beginning of Kali-yuga.’

“After staying here for some time, Sri Ramacandra, together with Sita and Laksmana, departed for Dansakaraëya. By the desire of Sri Ramacandra, His dear friend Guhaka, the King of Nisada, took birth here in the house of a brähmaëa as Sadananda Bhattacarya. Sadananda Bhattacarya had one-pointed firm faith in Ramacandra and was present in Sri Jagannatha Misra’s house at the time of Sriman Mahaprabhu’s appearance. When he took darsana of baby Nimai he saw Him as Sri Ramacandra. He later had darsana of Sri Rama, Sita and Laksmana, with Hanuman folding his hands at their feet.

“Sadananda Bhattacarya often used to come to the house of Jagannatha Misra to take darsana of the child Nimai. When, after some time, Mahaprabhu inaugurated His harinama-sankirtana, Sadananda performed kirtana in Mahaprabhu’s group and was overwhelmed with transcendental bliss.

Daily cooking, led by Sripad Premananda prabhu, for 15,000 pilgrims

Sri Gaurasundara’s moon on His divine appearance day [This is not a photoshop touch-up. It is the original photo.]

The bathing ceremony
On the evening of Gaura Purnima, at Sri Kesavaji Gaudiya Matha, Krsna-dasa adhikari and Tamal-Krsna dasa brahmacari led the now 17,000 devotees in singing from Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila Chapter 13, verses 98-124, about Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's birth. After that, the abhiseka (bathing ceremony) of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu began, at which time the Deities were bathed with honey, ghee, water, coconut water, sugar, milk and yogurt. Then, after the abhiseka, arati and kirtana were performed.

Sri Sri Laksmi-Varaha, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Sri Radha-Vinoda-bihariji, and Parama-gurudeva Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja
Srila Gurudeva’s GVP Book Sponsorship program had just sponsored the printing of 5,000 Bengali Secrets of the Undiscovered Self, destined for free distribution by the Bengal village preaching parties, and distribution of that booklet also began at the festival. 
After the parikrama and Gaura-Purnima Festival was brilliantly completed, there were a few days of meetings of Srila Gurudeva’s International Pure Bhakti Yoga Society’s Bhakti Trust International, followed by meetings of his Sannyasa Council comprised of all his Indian and Western sannyasis, followed by general meetings with all interested devotees. Those meetings were extremely successful, enlivening everyone with a great hope for the unity, harmony, and strength of Srila Gurudeva’s international preaching mission.
During a few of the spiritually enthusing evening classes, at which time further glorification of Mahaprabhu’s pastime places were narrated, Srila Gurudeva’s new publications were announced to the international devotee community. These publications include his Hindi Tenth Canto Srimad-Bhagavatam, Chapters 1-8; the gorgeous Vyasa-puja edition of his Harmonist Magazine; a booklet of his unique lecture, entitled The Speciality of the Gift of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; a compilation of excerpts of his lectures (given for the ever-increasing unification of his sanga) called Harmony; an interactive CD of the many beautiful artworks created under his scrupulous direction; and his small and large 2011 Vaisnava calendars. The devotees were pleased to receive these publications, and to pack thousands of them into their luggage in order to bring them back to their cities and countries.

(it post is in edition)

sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2012

Special glories of Sri Navadvipa Dham

March 1, 2008
(the altar at the Sri Sri Kesavaji Gaudiya Math in Koladvip)
The following are excerpts from a class given by Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja at Sri Devananda Gaudiya Math on 21 March 2005

First of all I offer millions of obeisances to the lotus feet of my most worshipable Gurupada-padma, nitya-lila pravistha om visnupada Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja. Then my siksa-gurus, nitya-lila pravistha om visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja, to Srila Bhaktivedanta Vamana Gosvami Maharaja and Srila Bhaktivedanta Trivikrama Maharaja. I offer millions of obeisances at their lotus feet. I also offer appropriate respects to my god-brothers, and to all the tridandipad sannyasis, Vaisnavas and Vaisnavis.

 Today we are very fortunate. We have assembled in Navadvipa-dhama. This dhama (abode of the Lord, manifested in this world) is very remarkable, but not everyone can understand its glories. Fulfilling the desire of Srila Prabhupada Sarasvati Thakura, my Gurudeva established this Devananda Gaudiya Matha – replete with nine spires and the deity of Koladeva (Varahadeva). It is located in the very place in which the smarta-brahmanas who were opposed to Srila Prabhupada had made their headquarters.

Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati reveals the secret of Navadvipa-dhama in his Navadvipa Satakam (verse 78):

aradhitah nava-vanah vraja-kananah te
naradhitah nava-vanah vraja eva dure
aradhito dvija-suto vraja-nagaras te
naradhito dvija-suto na taveha krsnah

“If you worship the nine islands of Navadvipa, you are actually worshiping Vrndavana and can easily gain entrance into that confidential place. If you don’t worship and take shelter of Navadvipa-dhama, Vrndavana will be very far away from you. If someone will worship dvija-suta (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu), the son of the brahmana Jagannatha Misra, that person will attain vraja-nagara Sri Krsna in Vrndavana. If one worships Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is actually Krsna Himself, in Navadvipa, one is performing complete worship of Krsna. Worshiping Sacinanadana Gaurahari in Navadvipa is as good as worshiping Krsna in Vrndavana. If one does not worship dvija-suta Gaurahari, Lord Krsna will be very far away.”

Navadvipa-dhama is especially noteworthy for the confluence of five rivers – Panca-veni. If one dives into Panca-veni, one will surface in the Yamuna River at Kesi Ghata in Vrndavana. Gaurangera sangi gane, nitya-siddhe kori mane, se jaya vrajendra-suta pasa – and if one understands that Mahaprabhu’s associates are eternally perfect, one will attain the lotus feet of Vrajendra-nandana Syamasundara.

Yet, even though Navadvipa-dhama is non-different from Vrndavana, there is some speciality:

krsna-nama’ kare aparadhera vicara
krsna balile aparadhira na haya vikara
(CC Adi 8.24)
“If someone will chant krsna-nama but at the same time commit the ten offenses, he will not experience melting of the heart and tears flowing from his eyes.” However:

gaura-nityanande nahi esaba vicara
nama laite prema dena, vahe asrudhara
(CC Adi 8.31)
Gaura-nityananda-nama does not consider any offense. If someone chants their names, his heart will melt and tears will flow from his eyes. Thus, gaura-nama is more merciful than krsna-nama. Gaura-dhama also, for the same reason, is more merciful than Krsna-dhama, Vrndavana. Lord Indra, who had committed a grave offense to Sri Krsna, came to Navadvipa with Surabhi, and here Mahaprabhu completely forgave his offense. Indra had previously approached Sri Krsna in Vrndavana, but he had to come here to get full relief.

One may say he already knows Navadvipa-dhama and there is no need to hear anything further about it. Please don’t think like this. Its glories are very deep. To enter into the secrets of this dhama, we must discuss its many different aspects. We also pray to Navadvipa-dhama that it will reveal its profound glories to us.

Our goal is not Krsna. Love of Krsna and service to Krsna is our goal. If one has no love for Lord Sri Krsna’s lotus feet, one cannot serve Him. Kamsa and Jarasandha were both with Krsna, but they had no love and affection for Him. Thus they were unable to relish the bliss of service. So our goal is krsna-prema.

One should come to Navadvipa-dhama, take shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and be very careful to observe trnad api sunicena taror iva sahisnuna amanina manadena kirtaniya sada hari. Always chanting and dancing, give respect to others. Don’t demand respect from others. Tolerate all difficulties and consider yourself more insignificant than a blade of grass. If you will do this, you will very easily attain Krsna-prema.

vancha kalpa tarubyas ca krpa sindhubhya eva ca
patitanam pavanebhyo vaisnavebhyo namo namah


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